Corey Bailey
Audio Engineering
Neither I or my company has profited in any way from the people or organizations
mentioned in this article.
This would include the links at the end of this article.
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not reflect upon the people
or organizations mentioned in this article.
First of all, I want to be very clear: In this article, I am only talking about
polyester base audio tape. This would exclude all acetate base audio tape.
Acetate base audio tape will not benefit from the processes described in this
article. In fact, you can do harm or permanent damage to acetate base audio
tape by heating it in any manor.
A considerable amount has already been published on this subject and one can
find a wealth of information available on the internet simply by plugging the title of
this article into your favorite search engine. There are several research papers
that require membership in specific organizations in order to gain access. This,
obviously, can become quite expensive. However, there is a wealth of information
that is public information. There are links at the end of this article to some in-
depth reading on the subject for those who wish to delve into the science.
I would like to thank all of those who reviewed this document before it was
Some background
A surprising number of well respected people, whom have authored articles, are
making the assumption that audio tape can be successfully baked without any
consequences. I tend to disagree and will only bake audio tape (Analog or
Digital) as a last resort because changes take place in the oxide that are
measurable and often permanent. To be fair, there are certain brands and types
of analog audio tape that will only respond to baking and there are a few that
simply won’t respond to any of the processes listed in this article. I will first test a
polyester (PET) based tape for playability. If I find any evidence of Sticky Shed
Syndrome during the initial testing phase, I will then decide, based on years of
experience, if lubrication or baking is best. I have found that my method of
lubrication, coupled with the type of lubricant that I use, is about 90% effective.
That said, there are those instances where the only solution to making a tape
suffering from Sticky Shed Syndrome, playable or ready to lubricate, is baking.
Sticky Shed Syndrome (SSS) is actually the result of a chemical process known
to scientists as Binder Hydrolysis.
The process of baking analog audio tape was first proposed by AMPEX Corp. in
the late 1980’s. The process was patented by AMPEX (Patent #5,236,790).
The recording industry (Film, Records, etc.) was quick to adopt the process
described in the AMPEX patent because everyone involved had experienced the
problem of degrading audio tape. To my knowledge, AMPEX has never pursued
anyone for patent infringement regarding this process.
Binder Hydrolysis
About 80% of all polyester base analog tape manufactured from the 1970’s
through the turn of the 21
century will suffer from some form of binder
hydrolysis. The problem worsens as time marches on. The type and severity of
binder hydrolysis is as varied as the different types of tapes themselves.
The most common indication of the problem is an unusual amount of oxide
buildup on all of the stationary parts of a tape transport. Tapes suffering from
binder hydrolysis will often ‘squeal’ while playing. Another indication is the
tendency of the oxide layer to stick to the stationary parts of the tape transport
while the tape is at rest but threaded up, ready to play. Some tape transports will
be unable to go into play mode if the stiction problem is bad enough. Severe
cases will have the layers of tape adhering to each other, causing the oxide from
one layer to stick to the backside of an adjacent layer.
Successive baking may have detrimental effects. Those of us who have baked an
analog tape and then transferred it, have heard a type of audible degradation that
we cannot adequately define. There has been very little research on the
downside of baking analog and digital audio tape. Most of the early research on
tape degradation was done on data tapes, mainly because that is where the
funding came from.
One result of that early research was to store the tape at very low temperatures
and low humidity. Apparently, Hydrolysis reactions (Sticky Shed Syndrome) can
actually be reversed if the Relative Humidity is below 24 percent and the
temperature is below 65° Fahrenheit.
In 1995, at the fourth Joint Technical Symposium (JTS), a research paper was
submitted by Kevin Bradley of the National Library of Australia. The research
paper was titled: “Anomalies in the Treatment of Hydrolyzed Tapes.”
What caught my attention about this paper was that the research was carried out
on 1/4” analog audio tapes using test equipment designed to analyze the same
which meant that I could replicate some of Kevin Bradley’s work.
What Mr. Bradley discovered is that when baking audio tape above 50°C
(122° Fahrenheit), there was a measurable increase in the dropout rate and a
slight high frequency loss (1/2dB, starting at 10kHz). The high frequency loss
increased slightly as the temperature was increased. Both trade-offs can be
acceptable when baking is the only way to recover the audio signal.
In 2015, Goran Finnberg, of The Mastering Room AB, posted to the Association
of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) Listserv, that he had measured increases
in the AM (Amplitude Modulation) distortion starting with the first baking cycle and
increasing with each subsequent baking of the same tape.
Is this what we’ve been hearing? Goran, to my knowledge, has yet to publish a
peer reviewed paper on his findings so, for now his research will have to be
considered anecdotal. However, Goran’s findings tend to bear out what many of
us audio engineers have experienced when transferring an audio tape that has
been baked.
The vast majority of procedures and processes involved with the recovery of the
information contained in degrading media is from the personal experiences of
those mired deep in the problem and is therefore anecdotal. Although a few of us
have pulled back the curtain to take a deeper look at the problem, very little
scientific research (if any) has been done as to the possible effects of those
anecdotal processes, either short or long term. Some of which, have become
industry standard! While I’m sure that the engineers at AMPEX Corp. observed
the scientific process when doing their research on baking, there is no mention in
the patent of possible chemical alteration or side effects. In fact, mention is made
in the patent that the baking process may indeed stabilize the tape being baked!
A situation that has since proven to be just the opposite.
An alternative to baking is offered by Charles Richardson. He is perhaps the only
individual to have conducted actual laboratory research on SSS since the 1980's.
According to his journal papers, his work which, was performed by independent
forensic chemists, discovered several factors, including;
(1.) The carbon black, back coating is the primary cause of hydrolysis in modern
tapes, though oxide binders can also suffer hydrolysis due to poor formulations.
(This has been suspected by many of us but never conclusively proven.)
(2.) How and why back-coating hydrolysis affects the oxide layers.
(3.) Defined the damaging chemical effects of exposure to elevated heat levels
based on well established chemical behavior.
Mr. Richardson subsequently developed a no-heat process to remove the
backing material from both the back of the tape and the residue from the oxide
layer as well.
I personally know of two people who have had their Sticky Shed tapes treated
with this process and the problem has apparently disappeared. One person had
this process done by Mr. Richardson more than fifteen years ago and his tapes
are still stable. Charles Richardson claims that audio tapes he restored in 2006
not only remain stable, but are sonically superior to any other treatment.
So, Mr. Richardson may indeed be onto something because the vast majority of
audio tapes where I have encountered SSS, have been back coated. Additionally,
the only time that I encountered SSS on magnetic film was with Scotch 995
magnetic film which, was a polyester based medium that is back coated.
Currently, Mr. Richardson is not offering his process of removing the back coating
as a sale or service. However, Mr. Richardson is busy getting the word out to
various professional organizations so, we’ll see. The contact information for Mr.
Richardson is at the end of this article.
That said, I have encountered SSS on non-back-coated tapes as well. Although
the situation is rare as non-back-coated audio tape tends to be vary stable.
Some European audio tape manufactured from the late 1970’s to the mid-1980’s
is back-coated, but instead of using a carbon based coating, they used a plastic
material consisting of very fine plastic particles. I have encountered SSS on some
of these tapes as well. One set, couldn’t be saved no matter what we tried.
Fortunately, the owner had another source for the audio.
Assessing a polyester base reel of tape for Binder Hydrolysis
The first thing I do with 7" reels (and smaller) is to insert a pencil into spindle hole
and un-spool a few layers by hand. This will tell you if the layers have the
tendency to stick together. If you are dealing with a 10-1/2" (NAB Hub) reel, you
will, most likely, have to mount the reel on the tape deck. Hopefully, the reel
brakes on the tape deck will be disengaged, allowing for easy un-spooling of the
tape. I have a couple of TEAC (Brand) NAB hub adapters (TEAC Part # TZ-612)
that have a metal flange at the base which, allows them to mount to an NAB hub
off of the tape deck. Then, I can use a pencil threaded through the spindle hole to
un-spool a few layers of tape, the same as smaller reels.
If you are concerned about the tape being on the floor, use a clean empty bucket
or wastebasket to catch the tape as you un-spool it. If you do have to mount the
reel on your tape deck, you can use the other empty reel to take up the slack.
When I check audio tape reels on a tape deck, I will thread the tape directly from
one reel to the other, avoiding the rest of the transport entirely.
Know that sometimes layer-to-layer adhesion won’t rear it’s ugly head until you
are at the last few wraps near the end of the supply reel. This problem most often
occurs on reels with smaller center hubs (5” Reels, 7” Reels, etc.) This is why you
need to pay attention to how the tape comes off of the supply reel until the very
If, you suspect that layer-to-layer adhesion is present, STOP and consult a
professional. Solving layer-to-layer adhesion can be tricky and remediation is
best done by someone who knows how to deal with the problem. Sometimes,
baking (done properly) is the answer. If any of the oxide has come off and stuck
to the back of the adjacent layer, it's ‘game over’ for that section of audio tape.
Once you have convinced yourself that layer-to-layer adhesion is not a problem
for the first few wraps, back-wind the tape onto the reel. Mount the reel on your
tape deck, and attach about 4 to 6 feet of leader to the head end of the tape. The
type of leader (Paper or Plastic) is a matter of individual preference.
Leader has several benefits: It allows for thread-up and run-up to speed on a
transport before the beginning of the tape to be transferred passes across the
play head. Consumer decks tend to have shorter tape paths and some were quite
good at recording modulation to the very end of the tape. Leader also keeps the
end of the tape protected at the outer edge of the reel and protects the tape from
the unevenness of slotted hubs at the center of the reel. Eventually, leader will be
applied to both ends of the tape.
Once leader is attached to the outer edge of the tape, with the tape threaded up,
play into the tape for about 30 seconds. Stop the tape deck and disable the
transport (As though you are going to edit the tape). With the tape deck in STOP
mode and the tape threaded up, rotate the reels back and forth by hand. There
should be no resistance except for the reel brakes. No tendency for the tape to
stick to any of the stationary parts of the tape path. Now, pull the tape away from
the transport and observe all of the stationary parts of the transport (heads,
guides, idler arms, etc.). There should be NO evidence of any oxide build-up on
any of the stationary components. With the tape pulled away from the transport,
clean everything that comes in contact with the tape. Use the purest alcohol you
can find. Medical grade alcohol is best (if you can get it). Isopropyl alcohol can be
found that is 99% pure. Rubbing alcohol that you get at the drug store usually
contains a certain percentage of water and any kind of water is generally not
good for the tape or the tape deck.
Inspect the Q-Tips or cloth that you used for any oxide residue. Presuming that
you have a very clean tape path, play the tape for another 30 seconds again.
While the tape plays, observe how it comes off the supply reel. There should be
no tendency for the tape to stick to an adjacent layer. Listen to the tape while it is
playing past the heads (put your ear up close to the head stack). There should be
no squealing or any suspicious sounds of any kind. Stop after 30 seconds or so,
rotate the reels back and forth by hand (again) to check for any signs of sticktion.
Pull the tape away from the transport and inspect all of the stationary surfaces
(heads, guides, idler arms, etc.) for any sign of oxide deposit. Clean the entire
tape path again and yes, inspect the Q-Tips or cloth that you used for any oxide.
Some discoloration of the Q-Tip is normal. Particularly after cleaning the pinch
roller(s). By now, you have played about a minute or more of the tape and should
not have observed anything out of the ordinary. It is at this point that I will back-
wind the tape to the beginning and lubricate the entire length of the tape. When I
have finished with the lubricating process, I will attach a leader to the end of the
tape and I am ready to begin the transfer after a rigorous cleaning and inspection
of the entire tape path. I will often transfer side B first to avoid the unnecessary
rewinding of the tape. If you are not using a lubricant, you can simply spool the
tape from one reel to the other (carefully) and attach a tail leader.
The tape deck that I use for this process (An Otari MTR-15) has been modified so
that the tape itself only comes in contact with rotating bearing surfaces in any
mode other than play. Even the tape lifters have been sleeved so that the sleeves
act as rotating bearings. Note that the picture below is without lifter sleeves.
When the lifter sleeves are installed, I will only use the Fast-Forward/Rewind
functions to position the tape prior to transfer. Fast-Forward and Rewind functions
are usually accomplished using the ‘shuttle’ mode with the tape threaded around
a reversing idler, away from any stationary parts of the transport. Some tape
decks, such as the Studer 80 series, are designed with only rotating bearing
surfaces that come in contact with the tape for all operating modes.
There are some things that you can do that will help
Cover the Erase and Record heads on your tape deck with Teflon tape (Fig. 1).
This is relatively easy and there is a link to Teflon tape at the end of this article.
ONLY use wooden or plastic tools for attaching and removing the tape.
Metal tools run the risk of damaging the heads.
Fig. 1
Showing Teflon tape covering the
Erase and Record heads.
Some Teflon taping tips:
I use ½” tape and trim the width to fit the head stack. It’s OK to attach the ends of
the tape to the outside of the head shield (Notice the Record Head in the picture).
This actually makes the tape easier to remove for shielded heads. Make sure that
the tape adheres flat to the area of the head where the audio tape will come in
contact. You should have no wrinkles and squeegee out any air bubbles.
I use my little finger for this process. If the tape application is done correctly, there
will be about a 10% reduction in scrape flutter. An added bonus!
You can sleeve the lifters so that the sleeves act as bearings. (In the picture
above, the lifter sleeves have been removed.) Making lifter sleeves is not so easy
to do. It usually requires the services of a machine shop, and has operational
consequences, so you may want to skip this procedure. If you do add sleeves to
the lifters, know that full speed rewind or fast-forwarding is OUT. With sleeves
over the lifters, only slow movement of the tape with the lifters engaged is
recommended. Mainly use the Fast-Forward and Rewind buttons for positioning
the tape prior to playback. Be careful not to allow the tape to move too fast with
sleeved lifters! Otherwise, use alternate modes for shuttling the tape.
If the lifters are not sleeved, know that every time the tape lifters are
engaged, you are scraping the valuable oxide with a stationary object.
If the Fast-Forward or Rewind functions are used, you are scraping
the oxide at very high speeds!
An alternative to having sleeves manufactured is to wrap the lifters with the same
Teflon tape that you would use to cover the unused heads. This operation is a bit
tedious (a PITA, actually). The results are much better than bare lifters. That said,
I still would advise against using the deck for normal fast-forward or rewind
operations. However, if you use those operations only for positioning before
listening or transfer, the Teflon taped lifters will help considerably.
And now, for the baking process
So, consider the baking of analog and digital audio tape as a last resort because
the end result may be somewhat compromised. If you are at all unsure about
what to do, consult an experienced professional.
If you do have to resort to baking, the advice from the experts (myself included) is
to properly bake a tape and then transfer it to the digital domain as soon as
possible. Mainly because the stabilization effect offered by baking is only
temporary, lasting a week or two at best. I will only bake the amount of tapes that
I can transfer in one day.
AMPEX Corp. recommended baking at a temperature of 54°C. (129-130°F.)
I prefer to use a lower temperature of 48°C. (118°F.). Anywhere between 43.5°C
and 49°C (115° F. to 120° F.) should be fine. The first thing I do, is to make sure
that the temperature is stable at the beginning of the baking process. The lower
temperature usually requires a longer baking time so I will usually let 4 or 5 reels
of 1/4” tape go about 12 hours before checking them. For fewer reels, I will check
the tape after about 4 to 8 hours. For a single reel, 4 hours is the check point.
I use a dehydrator and a digital thermometer that will reach the tape itself for
checking actual temperature.
National Public Radio (NPR) has over 155,000 analog tapes and a special
laboratory oven, where they bake 1/4” reel-to-reel tapes at a temperature of
approximately 51°C or 125°F for about 8 hours. Most facilities with large
collections will use commercial ovens with very accurate thermometers.
The industry standard for the feature film companies is to bake their 1/4” reels at
between 120-130°F. for 8 to 12 hours (Longer if necessary). For wider tapes, the
baking time is simply adjusted to allow for the width and number of tapes being
While I have personally witnessed the use of temperatures higher than
54°C. or 130°F., I certainly don’t recommend it. At higher temperatures, you are
running the risk of permanent damage. Think: “Lower temperatures and longer
baking times.” The lower temperature and longer baking time certainly won’t
harm your tapes as much as the alternative.
The cooling process
Once your tapes have completed the baking process, they have to be cooled to
room temperature. Plan ahead for the removal and acclimation process.
Use clean cotton gardening gloves (at least) for handling the hot reels.
Have a safe space ready to receive those hot reels that is in, or the same
temperature and humidity, as your transfer facility. Since I used a dehydrator for
baking and generally acclimated the tapes overnight, I often transported the
dehydrator into the studio and let the tapes cool and acclimate inside the
Room Temperature may be an ambiguous reference but the bottom line is that
the tapes, once baked, need to be at the same temperature and humidity as your
transfer facility, whatever that environment is. The time it takes to acclimate to
your work environment will vary. Some facilities are climate controlled, some are
not. For those that are not, seasonal variations will play a large role.
One factor is the amount of tapes that have been baked. My studio was in
Southern California (The arid Southwest). Acclimation time for the amount of
tapes that I can transfer in one day is usually 3 to 4 hours. However, I usually
planed things so that the tapes had overnight to acclimate to the studio room.
Many companies with large holdings will Bake first and ask questions later.
Mainly because it’s simply the most cost effective way to migrate their large
inventories of analog product to the digital domain. That said, these same
companies employ knowledgeable people who know how to properly assess the
product. Like NPR, these companies have extensive transfer facilities and still are
playing catch up.
Adding to the problem of degrading analog tape is that digital audio tape is
showing signs of SSS. This is something that those of us working in the trenches
never expected because the manufacturing process for analog audio and digital
audio tape is completely different.
The digital audio formats that have exhibited problems (so far) are: DA88, DAT
and reel-to-reel digital. DA88’s and DAT’s are particular problems because both
are cassette based and being rotary head formats, can ruin your expensive
playback deck while you figure out the problem. The good news is that these
tapes apparently don’t have all of the audio degradation problems that seem to
plague analog media. However, one has to rely on the error correction circuitry
for information (which, usually has a read-out).
When preparing to transfer any cassette based tape, fast-forward and rewind the
tape first. Not only does fast-forwarding and rewinding exercise a tape that has
been stored for a long time, but by learning just how a tape in good shape
sounds during this process, you will perhaps save an expensive repair bill.
There are some video tape formats that are degrading as well. Those being:
Hi-8, Digital 8, some brands of VHS, 3/4” analog and some 1/2” professional
digital formats.
In general, if you are to consider baking digital audio or video tape, use my
recommended temperatures for analog audio tape as a starting point (48°C.,
118°F.) or slightly lower temperatures and longer baking times if you want to be
extra safe. The reason for the extra caution is because both the base film and the
oxide layer are much thinner than analog tape. Adding to the problem is that
many of the digital audio (and video) formats are in cassettes so the results are
really variable. I have noted about a 50% success rate when baking cassette
based formats. Reel-to-reel digital is much better.
So, in the end, there is no good news here. As I point out on the home page of
this website: “Not only is magnetic media degrading, but the equipment and
expertise needed to retrieve those aging recordings is becoming increasingly
more difficult to find.”
Some Links
Charles Richardson:
From Josephson Engineering (Microphones):
The Library of Congress:
Magnetic Media Preservation, Library of Congress:
Here a list of likely suspects for SSS. The website is provided by Richard
Hess and the entire site is very informative:
Storing and handling of magnetic media CLIR:
Teflon tape source:
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© Corey Bailey Audio Engineering