Corey Bailey
Audio Engineering
Record Flattening This article is a work in progress because I'm still experimenting. You need to know the composition of the record because it will affect the flatting process. Is the record laminated? Here's what I've learned so far; Place the record between two sheets of plate glass, at least ¼” thick, or any completely flat surface. I use various sizes of ceramic tiles that I obtained from a ‘big box’ store and I place the smooth sides towards the record. Cut a couple pieces of soft material the same size as the flattening plates to protect the grooves. I use the thin cardboard that I obtained from the boxes that are used for clothing presents. Use anything that will protect the grooves. If you use an old piece of cloth or felt, make sure that there no seams. Clamp the sides using hand operated spring clamps, one or two to each side. The strength of the spring clamps will determine how long the process will take. I sometimes place the whole assembly in the sun for about 10 minutes or less per side and watch the process carefully. If you plan to place them in the sun, be careful!! Putting additional weight on the record can cause the peaks between the grooves to flatten out somewhat and cause distortion during playback. Heat can cause the composition of the record to soften considerably. Vinyl wants to return to it's original shape (or state) when heated and can cause all sorts of problems. I’m of the 'less is more' school when it involves flattening records. Be patient! This process usually takes weeks or months & check the progress often. If a record is unplayable, then all bets are off. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact me. Return to TOP of page © Corey Bailey Audio Engineering
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